功用:五路招財使者,是武財神趙公明麾下的招財猛將神兵.「五路招財符」的能力是分兵成「東、南、西、北、中」五方五路,為善信招正財、橫財及偏財 適合:渴望求得正財、橫財及偏財的人士使用 使用方法:將此符摺成三角形隨身攜帶,或藏在銀包或手袋之內。
The Wealth and Benefactors Talisman helps individuals attract Wealth and Benefactors; which are people we help you out in life. People who might benefit from using this Talisman:
- Individuals looking for a new job or opportunities
- Individuals who wish to attract people who will aid them in life
- Sales People who wish to close sales or attract new customers