六壬仙師簡介 《 實用符咒 改好姻緣財運》 撰文‧方海閱
李淳風仙師,隋唐時岐州雍人(陝西鳳翔縣),精通天文、曆算、陰陽占卜之說。約生於隋文帝仁壽四年(公元604年),約卒於唐高宗咸亨三年(公元672年)。 其父李播,曾擔任過地方官,後來棄官為道士,號黃冠子。《舊唐書—-李淳風傳》說他︰「幼俊爽,博涉群書,尤明天文曆算陰陽之學。」李淳風早年學道於天台山,師承道教上清派鄭思遠(藥王);而他的事蹟及著作流傳甚廣,名揚後世,成為名頌古今之天文學家及術數家。
李淳風仙師在中國歷史上被視為占星大家,其著作《乙巳占》則是一部在中國文化史上具有重要地位的占星學典籍。祂在天文儀器製作、曆法修訂、天文著作編撰,以及數學、氣象學等方面都有突出的貢獻。 根據歷史故事記載,李淳風早在隋煬帝時已任職司天監,透過觀天文星象,預測天機國運。由於隋煬帝荒淫無度,饑民遍野,民間流傳「楊花敗,李花開」的民謠。李淳風決心促成「李花開」的新時代,他在太源找到唐國公李淵,將「天機國運圖」的奧秘告知李世民父子,為唐朝開國作出甚大的貢獻。 唐朝太宗皇帝李世民每有疑難之時,必先請李淳風占問,其曾預言:「中唐運弱,有女武姓奪帝權」(武則天篡位改朝為周,自立為女皇帝)之秘讖隱語,是為凶兆!又占出唐朝開科第一位狀元的姓名為:「火犬二人同傑」,即是狄仁傑。
李淳風仙師官至太史令、司天監(相當於天文台台長),並受封為國師、紫光祿大夫等官銜,在任期間,主持修撰曆法、占卜吉凶、科儀符契,貞觀時製渾天儀等。 其後,李淳風仙師退隱於房公山 ,立教揚道,號「六壬」,傳法授徒,信徒者眾,當中盛名者有李道興,李惠舉等人。至仙師飛昇後,其弟子為延續法門香火,奉仙師為法主,門人薪火相傳,以靜修、書符、 誦文、唸咒、科儀等科目,作為修行及濟世的目標,稱為「六壬仙法」,尊稱李淳風為「六壬仙師」。
In 2011, The Divineway Metaphysics Association of Singapore was established to organise and carry out Charitable and Volunteering events.
Taoist Liu Ren Sect Introduction
Liu Ren Divine Magic is a simple and convenient skill to master. Students need to provide their name and Date of Birth. The master will then write a letter and hold a ritual to invite the gods to witness the initiation ceremony. After which the letter is burnt to be reported to the gods. The students will then drink a bowl of talisman water which will help them ward of evil and bring about good luck. After which a ceremony will be held to ‘seal’ the student’s body using magical spells and chants. This is finalized by affixing a seal. After all this is done, the initiation process will be held (Also know as the crossing of Sect) . The student will receive the divine energy and will also be taught a magical verse to use when communicating with the divine.
In the past, people studied this ancient art mainly for self protection. As times have changed, students who learn these days usually do it mainly to help attune their energies to improve their Careers, People Affinity, Wealth Luck and Health.
Different Levels of Learning
Level 1 (Middle Sect)
Includes a Small Sect which is mainly for self protection, warding off evil. Students will also learn some basic spells to stop bleeding, dissolve bones, treat scalding, ward evil, treat headaches etc.
Level 2 (Big Sect)
Students will learn how to cultivate their energy and learn more advance spells and chants.
Level 3 (3 Mountain Sect)
Students will learn to draw talismans and increase their positive energy
Level 4 (5 Thunder Sect)
Students will be able to learn to draw more advanced talismans which include those that are related to Relationships and Wealth. They will also be able to learn chants and spells to aid them in improving their People Affinity and Wealth.
After this stage and personal training, students with further interests might raise the desire of being a Teacher to guide and accept students of their own themselves to the Master. They might also wish to specialise in particular fields of interest which include Rituals related to Wealth, Health, Relationships etc.
(Without the Master’s official decree and approval, disciple who accept students are unqualified and their students are not considered an official student of the Liu Ren Sect). Please check if the person you are learning from has a qualified approval from his/her master to teach as it will do more harm than good crossing under a fake master)
Criteria to learn
This is a skill that has no restrains to gender, age,occupation, race,nationality, religion background and prior knowledge. Students only need to have a sincere heart and strong belief.
There are no Taboos!
There are no restrictions of any sort and after becoming a student it can improve your general luck, help to ward of danger and prevent black magic. There are no side effects if you have crossed under a qualified master who has bestowed real teachings to you.
There is a secret password to every level and students have to memorize it by hard. This code is chanted whenever the student wants to invoke any spells or chants.
**Please note that the password should not be recited out loud nor should it be disclosed to anyone else. As such students have to respect and adhere to this this tradition as a rule.**
The words Liu Ren originated from an ancient Chinese Divination school. Its fundamentals are related to the positive and negative energies of the universe and in Chinese context related to the combination 10 Heavenly Stems and 12 Earthly Branches. Its name comes from the 6 positive combinations of the water element which states from heaven comes 1 positive water which on earth becomes 6 earthly branches.
The words Divine Magic is used because this is a divine art evolved from Taoist Deities.
6 Positive Waters: Ren Zi, Ren Yin, Ren Chen, Ren Wu, Ren Shen, Ren Xu
Ten Heavenly Stems: Jia (Positive Wood), Yi(Negative Wood), Bing (Positive Fire), Ding(Negative Fire),
Wu (Positive Earth), Ji (Negative Earth), Geng (Positive Metal), Xin (Negative Metal), Ren (Positive Water) ,Kui(Negative Water)
In the Chinese context, everything should be in balance and Negative energy is not a bad thing in this context and both positive and negative are required to attain a balance in this universe.( Yin is negative and Yang is Positive)
Grand Master Memorial Days:
Lunar 18th day of the Third Month (birthday)
22nd of the Sixth Month(Memorial)
Twelve Earthly Branches:
Zi, Chou, Yin, Mao, Chen Si, Wu, Wei, Shen, You, Xu ,Hai
The twelve earthly branches are used by the Chinese to denote the year, months, days and time. The 10 Heavenly branches combined with the 12 Earthly branches make up the Chinese Lunar Calendar.
*Although originating from the same roots, each Master’s Character, Qualification, Experience, Cultivation Education Background and Understanding might be different, thus the teachings of each Individual Master might vary. *
六壬仙法,是一個先得而後修之方便法門,學法的過程,簡便快捷。學員只需寫下姓名、出生日期、交給傳教師抄錄在傳法過教天神表文之內。傳教師擇吉開壇,唸「請神文」、朗讀天神表文、化天神表文、符、食法水,然後傳教師用劍指隔空在學員身上封身(寫符文及花字),封神印。接著學員經過一個傳法授訣的儀式,稱為「過教」;過教的 之後,由傳教師授予新學員一條通神密咒,稱為「過訣」,最後送神禮成。
學習 使用一般的止 血、化骨、治熨傷、驅邪、止痛等各類的咒語及花字。
學法條件: 學習六壬仙法的條件,是無分性別、年齡、職業、地域、 種族、國籍、宗教背景及文化階層的界限,學法者只要心存信念就可。
學法是百無禁忌:學習六壬仙法是百無禁忌 的,不需戒口、不忌任何血污之類,學法得宜是不會被邪靈降頭侵害,亦能改轉運程;故此學員不必擔心有任何副作用出現。
學員行使密咒時簡便快捷,通過密咒便能運用相關之花字及符咒。而每一級教別皆有一條密咒作為「級別憑證」;「密」是指天機秘密之意,「咒語」是通神的特定密語,「咒」是由 「祝」字引申出來,意思是祝願的言語句子。學員得到密咒後,只可心唸而不可口誦,更不應將之外洩,故學員該尊重及遵守此約。
「六壬」,本是中國古代的占卜法之一 ,其名取自陰陽學說中「天生一水,地六成支」,即是以十天干中的 陽干「壬」配十二地支中的陽支「子、寅、辰、午、申、戌」,便稱為「六壬」。 而「六壬」的名詞在「六壬法門」中其含意是變化無窮;「仙法」,是指道教中的神仙所顯應出來的特異功法。
六壬仙師寳誕(農曆): 三月十八日(誕辰) 六月廿二日(千秋)
雖然,同出一門,但由於每一位傳教者的性格、資歷、 閱歷、功行、修為、見解與及
文化背景等等都是程度 不 一; 故而在教學 的方式及演繹方法等方面,都是各師各法。